Saturday, December 15, 2012


            I found this course beneficial; I learned to analysis information presented to me better and fully develop my reflection of it. This was my first blog and I am proud of the posts I did. I think the blog was a good idea and should be used in future classes. The blog serves as a nice personal accomplishment to look back at.

Thinking back over the topics discussed in this class I found that they were significant to my life. The education topic had me thinking of the education I received through my life and the future direction of education that will directly affect my child. This encouraged me to question what is going on in my son’s public elementary school and ensure he is offered opportunities for advancement throughout his education.

Learning about Sapelo Island broadened my knowledge of the issues that are occurring in our country. I would have never known about the Geechee community and their struggle for land rights. These people reminded me to think about where I come from and my family’s roots. I wish I could name one location that my people originated from, like Sapelo Island defines the Geechee people.

The documentary Miss Representation offered a very relatable topic. That film forced me to question how I judge other women, and why I do it? My research got me thinking of limiting my son’s exposure to the media because of the gender stereotypes that are repeatedly presented. I learned that I have the power to guide how he is influenced and it my job to teach him women are equal to men.
I definitely do think all the topics were appropriate and relatable, the films and the book were good material that should be used again in future classes. I enjoyed the class as a whole and the discussions that were initiated from the subjects. Everyone shared their opinions openly and I felt comfortable with our group. Good luck to all and thanks for making this an interesting writing 101 class!

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